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Detail of watercolour painting


Detail of oil painting

Oil Paintings

"During the past few years since moving to South Africa I have decided to investigate my talents as an artist. Initially I was painting in oils. One of the early stages of the process was to paint vey quick watercolour sketch studies in monochrome or colour, usually both, to get a feel of how the oil was to work. This drew my attention to this tricky medium and it's beguiling characteristics and I find myself concentrating more and more on its delightful qualities.


Being a perfectionist, I tend to be super critical of my work but I am slowly learning that it's not about creating perfect representations but rather a study of self improvement through creating images and enjoying the journey.


Clive Brown Fine Artwork is a showcase of the watercolour paintings, oil paintings and sketches I have completed and a small insight into the process".


Clive lives and paints in Cape Town, South Africa. He draws inspiration for his work from the wonderful local scenery, as well as the many places he has lived, worked and visited over the years.

Artworks are for sale (sold work is indicated with a dot after the paintings date). Please contact me for prices or if you would like to commission a custom piece

for your home or work space.

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